
Mastering the Game of Allyship

Created by Wendell Britt

A book compiling my methods for Mastering the Game of Allyship: Unlocking your Allyship Superpower

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 2 years ago – Wed, Mar 30, 2022 at 07:52:02 AM

We did it😎

Allyship Dojo- Growing Up
about 2 years ago – Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 07:13:03 AM

Hey all! We’re in the final week of the kickstarter and I wanted to invite you to join the Allyship Dojo hosted weekly by me.

Each week we go through one of the Phases of Effective Allyship. This weeks phase is Growing Up.

You can drop in any time as the phases work together synergistically.

Today we’ll be talking about how to level up our Allyship and increase our impact.

We study parts work, integral theory, voice dialogue, and use Socratic questioning to give participants an embodied sense of growth!

RSVP at the link below! See you there!

65% of the way to goal & NEW BACKER REWARDS
about 2 years ago – Tue, Mar 22, 2022 at 11:41:13 AM


Holy Moly there are over 200 of you now!

First off you have my undying gratitude for backing the project! 

Secondly I have some FUN SURPRISES for you. 

As ya'll know my passion is to create as many Effective Allies as possible in the spirit of play.  This means being able to meet people where they are. 

Many of you have expressed excitement about the book but are a little bummed that you wont be able to play with the concepts until NEXT YEAR

As the benevolent worldbuilder that I am, and as someone who likes to take on challenges I've decided to bring a few projects I've been working on behind the scenes into the light of day!

First up is I'm releasing a Mastering the Game of Allyship Workbook

This workbook will be a step by step method for you to start playing with the Mastering the Game of Allyship tools and practices ahead of the book coming out. 

This book is designed to help the world, but as y'all are the ones who are showing up for me NOW,  that lit a fire under my butt to show up for ya'll NOW

Most excitingly this workbook is going to be released THIS SUMMER! So ya'll we be able to roll into the fall with your brand spanking new allyship superpowers and change the damn world. 


I've also been hard at work thinking about the future of the Mastering the Game of Allyship System and all the ways it can be applied to your lives. And so In addition to the Mastering the Game of Allyship Online Course, I'll also be releasing 2 more online courses!

First up is Allyship for Creatives

Allyship for Creatives is for all of you who have powerful creative skills but feel weird or unprepared to use them to provide transformations in peoples lives. Many people have us artistic types convinced that our contributions aren't worth as much as people with seemingly more "down to earth" superpowers. 

I built the whole Mastering the Game of Allyship system out of a love of storytelling and roleplaying games. In this course I'm going to guide you through all the shadowy parts of you that are telling you that your creative contributions don't matter to the world of allyship. At the end of this course you'll have a plan to take your creative passions and transform your allyship practice into a literal work of art!

Next is Allyship at Work

Many of the people I work with are very skilled at their jobs but struggle to find ways to use their expertise to help people that they work with. Mostly this is out of fear of losing those jobs or the fear of burnout from stacking additional unpaid labor to their workday. Many are stuck in the beliefs that work has to be a struggle and thus are loathe to use precious emotional energy they COULD be spending recovering from work on MORE work. 

But if you're tapped into your allyship superpower, work becomes another playground where you get to flex your muscles and dare I say it have MORE fun and ease in your allyhip. 

Allyship at Work is designed to teach you how to identify opportunities for allyship at your workplace, how to advocate for your co-workers regardless of their background, and how to learn to make showing up for those people fun and easy through the art of culture change!


The core of the Mastering the Game of Allyship system is the 4 Phases of Effective Allyship derived from Ken Wilber's Integral Theory. 

One of the stretch goals for the project was a series of pins inspired by the 4 Phases of Allyship. 

I've realized through creating this project that this reward is more aligned with the essential message of Mastering the Game of Allyship enough that I'm releasing the set of 4 Wake Up Clean Up, Grow Up, Show Up, pins TODAY!

All of these new reward opportunities can be added on to your order! Just log in to your kickstarter account and you'll see them as an option to add. 

As we head into the final days getting the project in front of as many eyes an possible is ESSENTIAL. The data has already shown that direct outreaches have had the most impact in getting people to back the project. 

Your mission should you choose to accept it is to share the kickstarter, and why you're excited about it to 5 people and ask them to back at the $25 level. 

Here's a little Allyship tip for y'all- the more specific the ask the more likely people will say yes. 

Happy Hunting!


28.5% to goal + SECRET ALLYSHIP HACK
about 2 years ago – Sat, Mar 12, 2022 at 03:18:20 PM

We’ve made it to 28.5% of our way to the goal with 19 days left!

I wanted to share with you a secret Allyship hack that will take your Allyship practice to the next level.

Many people privilege direct support in their Allyship practice. Direct support is what all of you have done in backing the project directly.

Direct support tends to lead to direct impact.


Network effects lead to exponential impact.

Giving to the project directly is amazing, but using your influence and power to bring other people to the project compounds your own effectiveness. AND though you are being an ally to me though your generous gifts, you can ally with me AND your community by sharing this project.

I consider myself to be the ally to allies. There are so many types of groups I want to support and the biggest barrier I see to those folk getting that support is the lack of effective allies in the world.

I use my Allyship superpower to increase the number of effective allies in the world knowing that’s the best way for me to make a difference.

And so I invite y’all to think about the people like you who would also benefit from this teaching. People in your life you see struggling to be a “good person”, people who are already doing the work but need a fresh take on how to go about making change.

Organizations we are figuring things out on their own instead of using a step by step process to make their impact on the world.

All of those people need allies too. And the best way to ally with them is to share this kickstarter!

First 100 backers!
about 2 years ago – Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 05:52:52 AM

Holy carp y’all! We just hit 100 backers.

That’s 100 people who’ve raised their hands to transforming their relationship to personal growth and impact.

100 people who have decided it’s worth jumping off the guilt shame avoidance spiral

100 people who have chosen to be conscious creators of their reality, to encounter and befriend their shadow elements and ally with their own personality parts to make the world a better place

That number of people have the potential to change the world.

That many people in synch with their Allyship superpower could make a dent in the universe